Sooo..I've decided that I don't have enough vices or addictions! Interesting huh?! Sidenote: I've got tons of shoes, handbags, and jewelry. Yes, I collect them as if there will be a prize for my hard work! Anywho, I've decided that I want to collect something. I haven't decided on what, exactly. I actually had this
exact same convo with my best friend a few years ago. My mother collects watches. She has 90284598435. I\'m not a big fan of watches, and I never have been. But lately, my left wrist feels a bit NAKED! Which really sucks because I just got a tattoo on the inside of it. But I think I'm going to start buying watches and wearing them,. I really like overly huge men's watches. I want those. Nothing too cutesy or small. But I'm getting off track. I'm REALLY hyped about wanting to collect something. I don't know why. Where did this come from?
photo courtesy of
Okay, so I'd also like to collect cookie jars....Maybe that's a bad idea. It would probably inspire me to just bake more cookies.
I've thought about milk glass. I'm REALLY leaning towards this one. I absolutely love milk glass. Yeah. I know. It's sort of old ladyish, but I love it!
photo courtesy of |
I'll be back with a verdict..and more options. You can bet on it.
In other news, I have amazing ideas for my etsy store..I've got to get cracking on those asap! I just put Muffin to sleep, so I'm gonna eat (yes at 10:30 pm, sadly) and then go to bed.
Night Night dolls! NiRosha K
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